Opening New Indy P&C Branch vs. Starting One


New Member
Myself and another indy agent in my area have spoke about opening our own P&C agency as we believe there is good opportunity to succeed with enough hard work put in. But recently I was approached by a small indy agency from another part of the state that is looking to expand into our area. This agency has great leadership and has seen strong growth over the last 8 years. This would allow us ownership in the branch location without the some of the growing pains of starting from from the ground up. Anyone been through either scenario? Thoughts one way or the other? What level of ownership should we negotiate if looked to that direction?
Grateful for any thoughts or opinions!
You'll make a ton of money either way by doing it on your own, or by partnering with another office. Your risk and overhead (both time and money) go down dramatically by partnering with an existing successful growing office.

Every business I have started has had some level of partnership with someone who has demonstrated considerable success in said industry, and I would suggest that for most people.

As far as the details of how best to work that? I am sure there are others on here that can help you with the details.