Over 65; No Medicare

I have a prospect who is over the age of 65 but is ineligible for Medicare Part A because she's short on the 10-year work history requirement and does not qualify through marriage. Putting her age aside, she has an income source (1099) that is not low enough for Medicaid and is high enough to qualify her for federal tax credits on the Marketplace.

Has anyone been able to get this sort of customer insured through the Marketplace, ideally with federal tax credits?

I called Marketplace, and they seemed to be open to it. But wanted a second opinion here.
Yes, put them on Obamacare and when they ask, just put no for Medicare

I did it to a French guy that was 70 and never worked in the USA but was a citizen
No I'm thinking go get a job if she is close

Ok, thanks for the response. That makes sense.

(You were too fast for me, I deleted my question because I decided it wasn't a good one, but you already answered!)