Please Help Us With the Medicare Plan Mess, State Regulators Ask CMS

Northeast Agent

1000 Post Club

  • Many hospitals and physician group practices are giving up on low-paying Medicare Advantage patients.
  • People much over 65 who want to use Medigap to fill in original Medicare usually face medical underwriting.
  • State regulators wonder if displaced Medicare Advantage enrollees will qualify for easy Medigap access.
  • A flood of sick new Medigap enrollees could destabilize the Medigap market.
Hospitals had better learn how to adjust, because many people are simply priced out of Medigap plans, and they also love their Medicare Advantage plans. What some of these greedy hospitals are doing to senior citizens is pretty sick.
Don P was quoted:

What it means: For financial professionals who have clients enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans, the impact of the 2025 plan changes could be comparable to the effects of the 2007-2009 Great Recession and the COVID-19 pandemic
This no good:

The officials are asking Brooks-LaSure to have CMS give a Medicare Advantage plan enrollee an automatic right to sign up for a Medigap policy on a guaranteed-issue basis, without medical underwriting, if a hospital or provider group leaves a Medicare Advantage plan network.
This no good:

The officials are asking Brooks-LaSure to have CMS give a Medicare Advantage plan enrollee an automatic right to sign up for a Medigap policy on a guaranteed-issue basis, without medical underwriting, if a hospital or provider group leaves a Medicare Advantage plan network.
Even if they did, people that have been on Medicare Advantage are way too used to the $0 monthly premiums and all the extra benefits.

Whenever I meet with new people that are on Medicare Advantage and they innocently inquire about "that coverage where there's no copays," I proceed to tell them about Medigap, and how they would have to start paying every month, while simultaneously having all the benefits they have go away.

They then look at me like I have 4 eyes and are horrified. 95% of them are not switching over to pay for something every month. Especially not in this economy, and especially when they could hypothetically go on the Medigap plan at anytime.

What would honestly be the point of getting a Medigap plan? Most of them would just switch to another Medicare Advantage plan that has their hospital in-network.

Hospitals need to learn how to not be so God damn greedy, and the government needs to stop stripping money out of this program that seniors that are actually on it, love.
Sounds like it is time for agents and folks who order their Medicare plans from the dollar menu to grow up.

Oh, and . . . the sky is falling!!!

  • Many hospitals and physician group practices are giving up on low-paying Medicare Advantage patients.
  • People much over 65 who want to use Medigap to fill in original Medicare usually face medical underwriting.
  • State regulators wonder if displaced Medicare Advantage enrollees will qualify for easy Medigap access.
  • A flood of sick new Medigap enrollees could destabilize the Medigap market.
although selling Medigap is going to be a lot harder with the PDP catastrophe. I'm pretty upset with my plan going up 500% and I only have 1 RX. Occasionally will have a RX for an illness,etc.