Progressive termination

Scott Ashton

I've written Progressive about 24 years. Written a few million in premium. Out of the blue I get a call from a manager I've never heard of terminating my appointment?! He says it's because I said a racist comment?! Anybody that knows me...knows better. Not one complaint from the Dept. in 24 years or any E&O issues. Customers can call my cell 7 days & I argue on their behalf. I have calls to management that go unanswered as well as emails. When I asked specifics they said get a lawyer if I want to fight it. I have let it be known I'm tired of them cutting my pay and undercutting my customers to go "direct". Anyone have any suggestions out there? Thank u in advance.
Did the manager email it to you, do you have a recorded call of him saying that? If so you may have action against them.

Was your contract terminated for cause or without cause? It is almost certain your contract allows you to be terminated at any time without cause and I bet it is being terminated without cause. Unfortunately for them, he offered a reason. I hope you have proof of it.

That said, why do you want to represent a company that doesn't want you? There are plenty of others out there.
This is why there are lawyers and why we pay them. If it is important to you and you want to clear your good name, have your lawyer contact them. Now, they can probably terminate you without cause, but you don't want any accusation like that floating around with your name on it. May be worth several hundred dollars to have your name cleared.
Marketing rep not calling me back, call center people giving me bad information, phone calls not returned. All this is typical for Progressive. Many people in my office outright refuse to write with them. Every time I write a Progressive policy, I get a light scolding from the account manager.

The painful thing is that Progressive is overwhelmingly the best choice for certain types of policies, however this story is typical for the circus sh!tshow that Progressive is.