Required Reading


What would you guys consider to be some required reading for people getting into this field?? Zig?? others u might consider to be excellent?
Product knowledge and prospecting.

This isn't like selling cars or mortgages. If you don't know your product the sales won't stick after you thought you closed them. Any fool can learn to close early and often.

Prospecting is the key to everything. You have to have a plan. How you prospect is stuff you can read about, but then you have to work the plan. The sucessful guys here, worked hard at prospecting to become successful. They still do.

For prospecting I like some of Don Runge's stuff. I just picked up a couple books from Amazon that others here recommended. Never Cold Call Again (Probably not good advice for a novice) and Selling Sucks.
prospecting Threads - Forum Tags of Insurance Forum <---Click Here. The forum has a lot on prospecting. I would read a lot of these post. Try some of the ideas.

Not just reading, but I think all new agents should talk to at least 10 seasoned agents, in each field. There is a lot to be learned from agents that already know the business and can share some of their idea with you.
If you are looking for motivational stuff you can go to Brian Tracy's site and just sign up for his email mail list and his quote of the day.

I get the quote of the day and send it out as part of my newsletter, on Twitter and to the Marketers I an training. Sometimes, one little quote can change your perspective on the day (or the job).

Personally, I am a big Napoleon Hill fan.

What kind of info were you looking for?

Also, markingriffin was right--talking to other agents who are successful is a great help. Don't be afraid to ask questions, a good agent knows there is plenty of business out there and will often give you advice. Be sure to ask about what did not work, too. Great way to avoid repeating mistakes is to know about them ahead of time!

Good luck!
For the P&C agent:

Troy Korsgaden's "Power Position your Agency" and "Profit from Change"

I have changed the whole structure of my agency based on "power" and have really rejuvenated my enthusiasm for day to day operations.
I heartily recommend these three books: Integrity Selling by Ron Willingham, The Wedge by Randy Schwantz, Prospecting Your Way to Sales Success by Bill Good.

Another really good book is the Brand Called You by Peter Montoya.
I think it is important for any agents to do their homework. Read some books, going to some training classes, and talk to other agents that are successful.