Selling med supps in Wa. State

only make sense if I can write up twice as many as I could in other states.

If you are doing phone sales, piece of cake.

TM, DM, F2F forget it

If I can . . . I only have to do . . . As long as I . . .
All of those phrases play mind tricks and more often than not, set up up for failure.

Said this before and will say it again.

Plan and track your day around activity, not sales.

Activity is 100% in your control.

Sales are not.

If you don't know what works best for you mix it up. One week use DM. Next week knock doors. Then try phone sales. Next, buy leads. Rinse, wash and repeat.

Keep in mind you won't see instant sales results but it helps you to gauge what is comfortable for you. After 90 days of rotating your activity, look back over your records and figure out which generated the highest ROI. Focus on that going forward.

People talk about getting out of your comfort zone. I say BULL. If you are a nervous Nellie it will reflect in your voice and demeanor. No one wants to buy from someone who lacks confidence in themselves.

All the phone scripts and sales pitches in the world won't make you a success if you cannot convey confidence and create a sense of trust.
Are you certain about the 9% comis on F and G plans? I received an email on Jan. 18 this year. The attached schedule had reduced guaranteed exchange to 2% comis, and 7% on UW business. They really don't seem to like WA biz, especially F and G plans. If you know a way of getting around this I'm all ears.
cigna email reduce WA comis.PNG 2% & 7.PNG
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Are you certain about the 9% comis on F and G plans? I received an email on Jan. 18 this year. The attached schedule had reduced guaranteed exchange to 2% comis, and 7% on UW business. They really don't seem to like WA biz, especially F and G plans. If you know a way of getting around this I'm all ears.
Hey Ich, are you any relation to *ick? :huh: