Sickle Cell Anemia


New Member
Does any one know or have a life insurance company that would insure a 33 yr old male who has sickle cell anemia? Please let me know thanks in advance.
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Does any one know or have a life insurance company that would insure a 33 yr old male who has sickle cell anemia? Please let me know thanks in advance.
Good Morning, No worries... I have a company that can help! Mutual of Omaha has a Whole Life Guarantee Insurance Program that is my recommendation!
They still having transfusions? Is it classified as Mild-Moderate? As in, Hb over 10g/dl and HCT 32% or over? When diagnosed? How treated? you don't need to go straight to GI or Graded...

These are all things you should have run by your upline, and if they didn't ask you the above....GET A NEW UPLINE. I have a problem with the "go straight to graded" reps. vs. taking the time to get the client what they may qualify for...this guy may qualify for traditional coverage...
