Signing off

Crabcake Johnny

5000 Post Club
I wanted to say that this community has been great but as of today I'm signing off for so many reasons that I won't bother boring everyone by posting them - all of which are personal. If anyone wants to follow along with me or keep in touch with me you can do so by emailing me at [email protected] or visiting my blog.
After already a few emails I need to clarify - this decision has nothing to do with this board at all or any comments. This board is an amazing community and fantastic source of information. This decision is 100% personal and doesn't mean anyone should stop posting or not be part of an online community. As for me, I've been posting on insurance boards since late 2003 and it's time for me to move on.
I wanted to say that this community has been great but as of today I'm signing off for so many reasons that I won't bother boring everyone by posting them - all of which are personal. If anyone wants to follow along with me or keep in touch with me you can do so by emailing me at [email protected] or visiting my blog.

I wish you well and pray that all is well with your family...cheers!
Good luck to you - if you need anything you can reach me at joe AT anytime

Good luck with life and future ventures.
yeayeayea.....if it was not for message boards you might have ended up being sued by a mega client......they come back....they always come back....

As for me, I've been posting on insurance boards since late 2003 and it's time for me to move on.
Maybe he's eloping with Jami Rice.

Sorry. That was uncalled for. It was a joke. I swear it. I double swear it. I double secret-probation swear it. I will never say anything like that again.

LaMont Jordan-sleeper. Pick him up around the 6th round.
John, you have been an excellent source of information and guidance. I think I speak for most of the members of this forum that we will miss you. Good luck and I hope everyting goes well in both your personal and business life. Ciao.