Single Premium Whole Life Carrier in New York State ????

Guardian has a prepay account that can pay 10 years into a ten pay and you are paid up.
You cannot 1035x into a prepay.
If the clients basis is greater than cash value, you can terminate the policy and use the proceeds as a deposit.
I a curious, what do you expect to get out of this transaction, if the policy is already paid up are you adding a rider such as LTC?
It is my understanding that a SPWL contract will increase the DB of a paid up policy or one time dump in. And enable acceleration of benfits if terminal or chronic. At least in NJ where I write RNA SPWL that's the way it works
A paid up policy is a function of the net single premium times the guaranteed cash value.
I can't see a new policy that much more of a favorable nsp.
You may want to look at moneyguard from lincoln