Something I found “ironic”

Travis Price

1000 Post Club
Watching videos on Youtube the other day, I found this video where the agent was discussing Medicare insurance companies using overseas customer service and how they don’t understand English or the vernacular Americans use

What cracked me as ironic is this same agent is the guy who charges a cool grand to hire TM’s from the Philippines.

Then, dude uses his two other YouTube channels to show Social Proof with comments like, “Preach on, etc..”

I try really hard to not bash other people and be as respectful as possible to differing opinions. But dude made my skin crawl.
I’m not going to do too much of a dig on a guy, I just wasn’t a fan of the whole TM for a G bit. The gullible people that bought into that have more dollars than sense..

Watching videos on Youtube the other day, I found this video where the agent was discussing Medicare insurance companies using overseas customer service and how they don’t understand English or the vernacular Americans use

What cracked me as ironic is this same agent is the guy who charges a cool grand to hire TM’s from the Philippines.

Then, dude uses his two other YouTube channels to show Social Proof with comments like, “Preach on, etc..”

I try really hard to not bash other people and be as respectful as possible to differing opinions. But dude made my skin crawl.
If it's that lying snake CW, I can understand why he would make your skin crawl....:yes:
If it's that lying snake CW, I can understand why he would make your skin crawl....:yes:

The 1k to put a craigslist ad up and show a script at someone is pretty shitty. Taking advantage of people that are just trying to figure out a business is crap.

Maybe one day after I can show proof of concept of my brand of marketing I might do light recruiting and charge them 1k to sign up for Wordpress :/
Sadly there are too many folks who are looking for the quick buck and think insurance is the way to GRQ.

And just as sad, there are recruiters out there willing to play on their gullibility and take advantage of them.

If you do this right it is a get rich slowly process for almost everyone. I generally tell folks it will take about 3 years to reach a comfort level that most will consider successful.
The 1k to put a craigslist ad up and show a script at someone is pretty shitty.

Is it shitty if you charge people $1K to put up an ad, show a script, if the market is willing to pay it? Just playing devil's advocate here, but in reality the market always decides whether something is worth it or not.

In other words your $1K wordpress idea would work swimmingly, provided you marketed it enough. Why? Because there are plenty of people more than willing to pay you to do it for them rather then them learn it themselves. I can put up a lead gen WP site in an hour, design and all. If I did it for someone I'd charge $10K for my hour and I'd still lose money as I can make more elsewhere.

Nothing wrong with charging them that for your time if they're not willing to do it themselves.
Is it shitty if you charge people $1K to put up an ad, show a script, if the market is willing to pay it? Just playing devil's advocate here, but in reality the market always decides whether something is worth it or not.

In other words your $1K wordpress idea would work swimmingly, provided you marketed it enough. Why? Because there are plenty of people more than willing to pay you to do it for them rather then them learn it themselves. I can put up a lead gen WP site in an hour, design and all. If I did it for someone I'd charge $10K for my hour and I'd still lose money as I can make more elsewhere.

Nothing wrong with charging them that for your time if they're not willing to do it themselves.

Yeah, I’m going to call shenanigans on that.

There are a whole host of scams out there that target people that don’t know any better. When you have a webinar where people are just asking “how many leads do I get?” You should re-evaluate your plan. That’s a personal observation.

It’s akin to me going to a cognitively impaired person and telling them I’ll trade them $100 for a .25 gumball toy.

People should know better, but that doesn’t make it any less shady.

If I charge someone huge amounts of money to just create an account, that’s an ethical question.

For you, that may be okay. For me, it’s shitty.
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People should know better, but that doesn’t make it any less shady.

This can apply to almost any industry out there. If people should know better, blame the people.

There's about a million people out there doing stupid Youtube videos and making a fortune. I personally think they're valueless idiots, however many have well over 100,000 followers willing to hang on their every word. In response YT pays them for running ads where the traffic is. On their channels.

The market dictates whether we think it has value or not. And BTW I know quite a few people who loved the service you're talking about and actually are making money from it. I wouldn't do it, and of course neither would you, but like it or not it's providing an ROI for people.
Yeah, I’m going to call shenanigans on that.

There are a whole host of scams out there that target people that don’t know any better. When you have a webinar where people are just asking “how many leads do I get?” You should re-evaluate your plan. That’s a personal observation.

It’s akin to me going to a cognitively impaired person and telling them I’ll trade them $100 for a .25 gumball toy.

People should know better, but that doesn’t make it any less shady.

If I charge someone huge amounts of money to just create an account, that’s an ethical question.

For you, that may be okay. For me, it’s shitty.

I don't do Teli leads at this point I wouldn't do service

But If I remember correctly they are supposed to train and everything, If I were to do teli leads I don't think it is that bad a deal. I did training in India with an energy company I worked for years ago It was not fun and I don't have the patients.

Unless services promised are not provided Then I would agree with you

They need to train and weed out the bad teli's for it to be worth it but if they do a good job its worth it

Personally, I won't know because I prefer internet leads