Sports Insurance?

I have two potential bids in this area. One is for a high school, and the other is for a local university. I see that there are a few links listed for resources...does anyone have actual experience with any of the companies listed? As a broker...which one would you recommend getting appointed with for these two prospects?

Thanks in advance.
Too many fees associated with the application, etc., with some of the links mentioned above. To be competitive, go to Westpoint Insurance on the web or call (800) 318-7709 and ask for Angela. Request an agent contract and your up and running. Generous commission schedule and 24-hr. service! BTW, individuals are insured through their parents health plans or personal health policies. Sports insurance is typically written on a team, league, or association basis. The program will include an Excess Accident Policy and a General Liability policy. The Excess Accident plan will be secondary to any other health insurance plan in force. If there is no other health insurance plan, the policy is the primary. GL speaks for itself. Great Commissions and fun to do!