Surrogate Mother


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Life is interesting, take me back to the 1960s when you got pregnant in the backseat of a Ford Mustang. :D

Any one know of an individual plan in Texas that will cover a surrogate mother? (Daughter is going to carry for 50 year old mother.) I'm only looking for complications not normal birth and delivery. I thought because of the state mandates it couldn't be excluded but Assurant and Golden Rule both have said it wouldn't be covered along with some others I've contacted. They have a clause in their policy that excludes any coverage for a surrogate.

Thanks for your help.
Thanks, I called BCBS of Texas and they indicated they do cover it. I'm verifying and getting it in writing.
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So far for two different reps at BCBS I have two different answers, yes and no. There you go!! They must operate like a government office -- nobody knows what they are doing. :goofy:
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Do you want to have a child?
Apply to our Clinic and we will solve your problem. Europe. Ukraine. Kiev.
Ukrainian Institute of Genetics offers services of surrogacy :
1) to a childless couples;
2) to non-traditional couples;
3) to single women;
4) to single men;
5) to businesswomen who don’t have time to give a birth.

Our Institute has large experience of work and large choice of weman and married couples that will give a birth to a healthy child.
Our services cost 70.000$. We guarantee you full refund in case of falue or one more trial. Complete juridicial surport.
Don’t miss a chance to feel the happiness of being parents.
Complete information on: [email protected]
Tel. number: +380630773971