The First Managment Decision I made- Funny Story

The first management decision I ever made was a doozy. I remember it so clearly. I was a young kid, probably 27. I was recruited from my Sales/ Reps role where I had just KILLED it for 18 months or so, month after month. It was so easy too. I knew my product and deliverables and my competitions’ products and deliverables inside and out. I could walk into an agents office, relate, contribute, and in short, KILL it! I was competitive, I wanted to be on top and I was! So I was promoted to Texas where I was to manage a team that was, on average, probably 12 years my senior. I wanted to find out how I could help them get addicted to winning or find new folks who were addicted to winning. Because great sales people are complete addicts and their drug is WINNING! So they win. No Matter what.

The first team member I met was the most successful team member I was inheriting. He knew it and his numbers showed it. He was addicted to winning! We got talking and shortly after the introductions and niceties, like a great salesman, he got down to business. The conversation went something like this….

“Look, Shawn, I need you to approve some money to buy a sheep out in West TX.” (Side note: Smart move on his behalf- Ask for the money before your Sales peers ask for the money.)

Without hesitation I responded, “No, I am 100% positive, I will not approve or try to get money approved that will be spent on the purchase of livestock.”

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