"theoretical Question.." How Long Does Smoking Stick with You?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I realize this may be a frowned upon question, but does anyone know how long it would take for cigs to NOT show up in an applicant's blood/urine? People seem to have their theories with pot/blow/prescription drugs, but what about cigarettes?
Re: "theoretical Question.." How Long Does Smoking Stick with Yo

Thats, theoretically, a short amount of time.....
Re: "theoretical Question.." How Long Does Smoking Stick with Yo

I'd make sure no one is counting on that DB, better be going to sis, mom or cousin.

You'll have a lot of fun if the person dies in two years and the company contests the policy. Better make sure you E&O is paid up, and no one can prove you knew about the smoking.
Re: "theoretical Question.." How Long Does Smoking Stick with Yo

I realize this may be a frowned upon question, but does anyone know how long it would take for cigs to NOT show up in an applicant's blood/urine? People seem to have their theories with pot/blow/prescription drugs, but what about cigarettes?
It's not only frowned upon, but it can cost you your contract, your license, your potential ability to aapoint with other companies, and your client's death benefit as a fraud was perpetuated. Theoretically, of course.

I had a prospect ask me to lie on the app about a year ago on this same thing. I told him he would better happier with another agent.
Re: "theoretical Question.." How Long Does Smoking Stick with Yo

Does any carrier even check for smoke? I doubt it would ever show up, except maybe on medical records or prescription records somewhere (prescriptions only if they had something normally caused by smoking).

Its actually amazing what isn't checked for. Could be done, just cost a bit more.

Now, if it is a high death benefit policy, then all bets are off.

Don't lie on the application, but don't worry about someone who took a drag off of a cigarette 3 months ago as a one time event being rated as a smoker either.

Re: "theoretical Question.." How Long Does Smoking Stick with Yo

There was a time when an applicant lied on a application that a company would still pay a death benefit, albeit a face amount the premium would have paid for at smokers rate. Then (I can't remember when) the states changed the law to no payout, charge with fraud.

There are carriers who will write nonsmoker after a year. Get the policy inforce, then amend later.
Re: "theoretical Question.." How Long Does Smoking Stick with Yo

Tobacco can show up in paramed for up to a year. Nicotine is stored in fat cells in the body, and whenever fat cells are burned for energy they cause the body to release a chemical called cotinine that is the chemical that is tested for to check tobacco use. Same thing can occur with Marijuana. If someone works out heavily right before the paramed, even if they hadn't smoked in 6 months, the fat cells being burned can cause the cotinine level to spike
Re: "theoretical Question.." How Long Does Smoking Stick with Yo

Tobacco can show up in paramed for up to a year. Nicotine is stored in fat cells in the body, and whenever fat cells are burned for energy they cause the body to release a chemical called cotinine that is the chemical that is tested for to check tobacco use. Same thing can occur with Marijuana. If someone works out heavily right before the paramed, even if they hadn't smoked in 6 months, the fat cells being burned can cause the cotinine level to spike

Ditto. It can still show up as far as 6 months to a year.

Also, doctors document in medical records whether or not you are a smoker/tobacco user. They also document if a patient quits if they have.

I had a client that claimed he had never smoked in his life.
But somehow the paramed came back with him as a smoker.
He contested it, but when they looked at the aps the doc had put down that he was a smoker just 6 months before.... so of course his objections were ignored.
When I told him what they saw, he caved and said he had lied.... lol

If there is any doubt they can always do a hair folical test and it can show nicotine/drug use dating back for years!