We are finally starting the transition to individual.....would like suggestions

Ohhh, I think we've miscommunicated. Hence the problem with writing on boards - easy sometimes to misconstrue intent. No sarcasm at all and I look very forward to talking with you.

Ha, I see that now that I read it three different times. No problem, I was the one that miscommunicated. I sent a pm to ya. Talk to you soon.
Excellent advice. BCBS in many states is very competitive from a price perspective and people know them, so the comfort zone has already been established. This can hurt your or help you. In fact, in some states (CA for example) they actually do add some nice value to the plans.

I'd encourage you to get appointed with every company in Alabama that allows appointments. Use Ehealth and/or call the Alabama DOI to obtain a list of all the carriers that sell in your state...

Make reading insurance brochures/policies your life during the evening and weekend.

1) Create a binder that has every consumer resource you can think of that you can use to differentiate your services.

2)Create a binder for each company containing all the information for easy reference (this really helps when you're selling different states and don't know all of the plans available)

3) Create spreadsheets (this will take time) of each company and a master sheet showing all the plans. This helps expedite the learning process.

4) Find the value in building up or building down EVERY plan.

5) Find out who your competition is by submitting internet lead requests and other creative methods. Also, call each carriers Sales Manager, Director, etc. and ask him or her who the top 3 agents are in XXXX state.

6) Research competition, find out their strengths and weaknesses and attack.

7) Read ALL the information on this site about individual and family insurance.

8) Find a mentor or two. Take them out to lunch, give them leads, helpful information, etc.

9) After spending 2 weeks you will have all the information needed to start your own agency and hire new agents :)

Disregard that last one!

This is good advise JR. I'm finding product knowledge within the products I sell to be adequate enough that I can talk and recommend as needed but, knowing and understanding the competition gives you that leg up.

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