What is your understanding of Metlife Grand protect A plus coverage?

I believe I understand what it is, but keep thinking that I am wrong.
I am under the impression that Metlife Grand Protect has this blanket feature in which the home is covered no matter what the cost is..so in a dooms day scenario..if the home was initially $300,000 to replace/rebuild...and due to the entire neighborhood getting wiped out by a tornado..the labor, building supplies goes up..so the cost to rebuild goes up..so now hypothetically speaking for the sake of my dooms day scenario..now the house cost 1 Mil to replace..Metlife will pay that 1 Mil to rebuild......PLUS the client is able to use that "blanket feature for either/or personal property or other structures...so if the blanket was 600,000....(Cov A , other structures, personal property) then the client house gets rebuilt for 1 Mil..and he is able to ust that $600,000 blanket for everything else ..personal property, other structures....is that correct or have I been misunderstanding it completely?