Which companies have the most Liberal Underwriting for simplified issue?

United Home Life simplified issue term products are one of the easiest apps to get people through. If the medical impairment isn't listed on the application, they qualify. It's more spendy than some other products, but you can get people through that you wouldn't be able to get through otherwise. Their Term 20 DLX will accept diabetics on insulin (Table 8) up to $50,000.

American Amicable is a great company. All of their term products are Table 4. They have amazing customer service and easy access to underwriters for risk assessment. Great agent guide as well.

Foresters is a great company. Their Your Term simplified issue product is Table 4 and often beats American Amicable pricing...by considerable margins. OK agent guide.

Phoenix Safe Harbor Express is a simplified issue Table 4 product. Depending on the age and health of the client, Phoenix Safe Harbor Express and the Foresters Express product are worth checking against each other for the best rates. Great agent guide.

Phoenix Safe Harbor (Low Band) term will allow you to write simplified issue down to Standard Rates (Table 0...but can go up to Table 8 if necessary). This will earn you lots of business that you would have missed writing Table 4-8 products.

For the Phoenix Safe Harbor (Low Band) Table 0-8 product, check the pricing on the other Table 4 products if you start getting in the Table 2-3 rating areas. Other simplified issue Table 4 products will often beat the Safe Harbor Low Band product once you get into a Table 2-3 rating.