Which Company Has Tbe Best IUL to Get Appointed With?

Depends on what you're looking for but AXA's new IULs look like they have the lowest internal costs. John Hancock's is good and offers a LTC rider. Transamerica's goes down to $25. American General and a couple others have lifetime no-lapse guarantees.
So many variables here. The clients age, funding amount, time until retirement, health, and lots of other considerations would need to be reviewed.

I have two schools of through on this. Because IUL has an adjustable cap (or an adjustable participation rate), choosing a quality carrier is often the best decision. It's almost like picking an investment, past performance doesn't guarantee future results.

The other thought is finding a product with features that are important to you. We like products with preferred loans (or index loans). Also every cap is not created equal so it's important to read your illustration!

The two most popular we have right now are Hancock and North American. John Hancock has an un-capped account the really lets you cash in on the big gains. North American is ideal for single-pays or situations where liquidity needs come sooner rather than later. Also Lincoln is attractive because they offer a fixed loan rate.