Woman to Hillary: 'I Would Like to Vote Democratic, But It Has Cost Me a Lot of Money'

So just go shopping on the Exchange for your coverage. Gosh so simple why didn't I think to tell my clients this? Wait isn't open enrollment closed now Hillary? Non-profits will cure all this says Hill.....

Woman to Hillary: 'I Would Like to Vote Democratic, But it Has Cost Me a Lot of Money' | The Weekly Standard

Haha, after this year they will all be "non profit" if non profit is defined by losing money. Wait til the first carrier files for 60 percent increases in may!

I am surprised she didn't recommend that she either quit her job or take a minimum job wage to lower her premiums.
Why is the standard always given of "family of 4 making $50k per year"?
To me that is a husband and wife making $12.50 hour and they shouldn't be considered the "norm".

I saw Bernie use the same example when he said the average family won't pay more money on taxes if he were president. Why in the world is this average?
Why is the standard always given of "family of 4 making $50k per year"?
To me that is a husband and wife making $12.50 hour and they shouldn't be considered the "norm".

I saw Bernie use the same example when he said the average family won't pay more money on taxes if he were president. Why in the world is this average?

The average income for a family of 4 in 2008 was about $65,00, according to https://www.census.gov/hhes/www/income/data/statistics/4person.html .

After Obama was elected, the median family-of-4 income started dropping, which is likely why the Census.gov table abruptly stops at 2008. That income might be down to $50k by now.