Would You or Do You Tell a Prospect You PAID for the Chance to Speak with Them?

in 1981, I worked for combined insurance and they taught you to just say "thanks just the same" and move on to the next one. granted, sometimes its hard to do but in the big scheme of things its probably the best thing to do. don't get mad and go to the bar or just quit and go home. keep plugging away
Dittos. About 100 years ago I spent 6 months telemarketing accident policies. Hated the job, but the company I worked for was very professional in their approach, and I learned some things from them that I still use. One thing we were taught was at the end of every call, we were to say, "Thank you for your time. Have a pleasant day." Were were to use that exact verbiage in a calm tone no matter what had just happened on the other end of the line. It had an amazing effect! Somebody could set fire to your ears, cuss you out, hang up on you. But closing with that little phrase every time kept you calm and helped you maintain a good attitude to speak to the next call (which came up about 5 seconds later). I still often use that phrase when closing a business call. And if somebody is particularly rude at the door, I use it every time. My skin isn't always as thick as it should be, so it adds a little extra layer of protection.