Your Next Insurance Agent May Be a Robot!


1000 Post Club
...according to CNet.

I have no doubt that technology will rule our lives in the not too distant future, and that many unskilled and unprepared agents will go out of business, but the business world will always need good salespeople.
Whether we are selling the same insurance products 15 years from now, or some other product, i dont know. But we sales people will still be around.
Adapt or die.

Your next insurance agent will be a robot - CNET
So who will explain the policy to the client or answer questions? Build the best machine and people will still be people. Left alone in many cases people shop
price rather than coverage.
"Snap a photo of your license plate, text it to Evia, which will ask you a few questions via text and then scour 82 insurance carriers' plans to find you the best one for the money."

Sounds like a superior rapid rating tool. Who now can gather client info from a license plate?

82 carriers are giving them a contract to sell and bind? Wow.

Once your with them, probably a renew button to push, and the quote process will start all over, so your always with the 'cheapest' carrier.

Maybe their call centers will be staffed with ex agents who use to run large auto agencies.
Journalist man..... They just don't get it.

"In the year 2000 we will all be (insert something that never happened)."


This picture says it best

I wonder if the robots will be preaching buy term and invest the difference. I would love to see them selling WL and UL.
Who now can gather client info from a license plate?

It's called CVR/EVR.
Since I'm partnered with a dealership, I've got access to it. Instant access to dmv database.
Between that and lexisnexis, I'm sure there's probably a way to automate the process.

Sounds like a great way for folks to get underinsured or improperly insured, though. Still just another opportunity to build value of a local agent.
The other day a client was about to buy the wrong insurance product from a competitor and I explained to him and gave him the PDF policy wording and showed him where he would not be covered. He ignored me but the competitor website allowed him to buy the insurance policy.
There is no replacing the wisdom of the agent and there's a lotta stupid websites that allow people to buy the wrong product. The client threw his money away.
But he feels like he did buy the right product and he feels protected. The agent needs to know the eligibility of who's buying and what the coverage is what it covers what it does not cover. This is very difficult to obtain from a marketing website