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171 health insurance advertisers bid on each of top 20 Google AdWords, on average

Brian Anderson

There is heated competition among health insurance advertisers for the top 20 keywords on Google Adwords, according to a new report from search marketing intelligence company AdGooroo.

A whopping average of 171 different advertisers bid on the top 20 keywords according to the report, which examined U.S. Google AdWords activity for desktop and tablet on 6,003 health insurance-related keywords in the first half of 2014.

In total, AdGooroo found nearly 28,000 advertisers spent $103 million sponsoring those 6,003 health insurance-related keywords on desktop and tablet (mobile was not included) during the first half of 2014, at an average Cost Per Click of $3.16 and an average Clickthrough Rate of 3.86%.

General terms had the highest number of competitors, including ‘healthcare insurance,’ which had 358 advertisers bidding on it during the period, ‘health insurance quotes’ (346 advertisers), ‘affordable health insurance’ (326 advertisers) and ‘cheap health insurance’ (311 advertisers).

Even branded terms saw dozens of advertisers competing in an attempt to divert traffic to their own sites from the original brand searched—including ‘blue cross blue shield’ (142 advertisers), ‘united healthcare’ (91 advertisers), ‘humana’ (57 advertisers), ‘aetna’ (33 advertisers), ‘aarp insurance’ (157 advertisers) and ‘blue cross blue shield nc’ (72 advertisers).

• Do you prospect via Google AdWords? Please chime in with your thoughts or experiences on this new thread on the Forum.

The Top 20 advertisers by spend on health insurance-related keywords included health insurance providers, a health insurance agency, government-sponsored exchange sites, an online health insurance seller, a dental network provider and lead aggregator sites, which collect contact information from consumers seeking health insurance quotes and sell that data to various insurance agencies and providers.

Not surprisingly, “healthcare insurance” was the top keyword while “medicare” was second and “blue cross blue shield” third. Notably, four of the top 20 keywords were related to PPACA: “obamacare,” “affordable care act,” “healthcare.gov” and “obama care.” Another five were related to Medicare: “medicare,” “medicare.gov,” “medicare part d,” “medicare part b” and “www medicare gov.”

You can read more about the top 20 keywords, top sites in the rankings and what they spent here.



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