With COVID-19-related deaths in the U.S. now surpassing 800,000 according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a life insurance company executive sounded the alarm about working-age death rates recently during a Dec. 30, 2021 virtual news conference sponsored by the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce and the Indiana Hospital Association.
“We’re seeing right now the highest death rates we’ve ever seen in the history of this business,” said OneAmerica CEO Scott Davison. And it’s not just at OneAmerica: “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
Davison said death rates among working age people—those 18 to 64-years-old—are up 40% in the third and fourth quarter of 2021 over pre-pandemic levels.
“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three sigma or a 1-in-200-year catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic levels,” Davison said. “So, 40% is just unheard of.”

One of OneAmerica’s lines of business is group life insurance, which is being greatly impacted by the pandemic.
“What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic,” Davison said. “It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers.”
He noted the company is also seeing a huge surge in short- and long-term disability claims as a result of the pandemic.
“At OneAmerica, we expect the cost of this is going to be well over $100 million, and this is our smallest business. So it’s having a huge impact on that,” Davison said.
He said the costs will have to be passed on to employers purchasing group life insurance or disability policies, who will have to pay higher premiums.
Another point Davison emphasized during the news conference was the pandemic’s impact on the company’s own employees in terms of working remotely for essentially the past two years.
Davison noted that OneAmerica is a billion-dollar company with 2,400 employees, and about two-thirds of them would be working in downtown Indianapolis were it not for the pandemic forcing them to work remotely.
He added that about 84% of OneAmerica’s workforce is vaccinated, and “we have heard loud and clear from our vaccinated employees that they want no part of working in an open office environment with unvaccinated associates,” Davison said.
“We’re getting to the point where that’s just not working anymore and we feel very strongly that for us to be fully effective as a business that we need to have people back in on a hybrid schedule. We feel that once we get through this Omicron wave that we need to be back in on a hybrid schedule.”
And to accomplish this, and not risk losing many quality associates, Davison said the company has made the “hard decision” to require vaccinations. He said some vaccinated employees “made it very, very clear that if we try to comingle them with unvaccinated people, they’ll consider the workplace is unsafe.”
Click HERE to watch a YouTube video of the virtual news conference where Davison made the remarks.
Davison said the company has made the “hard decision” to require vaccinations. He said some vaccinated employees “made it very, very clear that if we try to comingle them with unvaccinated people, they’ll consider the workplace is unsafe.”
Just what we need. More division. Glad I don’t write business for this company.
So third and fourth quarter 2021 that would be well AFTER the snake oil
Vaccination program began…why dont you do a real statistical analysis on mortality causes and cross reference that
To data collected by Medicare and medicaid and the ten other data bases
On negative side effects of the so called
Vaccines and get back to us with a real
Announcement showing a high correlation
Between those receiving the Agenda 23
Jabs and escalating death rates
Writing them and working for them are two very different things.
So deaths are up 40% in a group of people who are not at a very high risk of death overall and are not at a high risk from the chimeric virus SARS-Cov2.
There can be many explanations for these increased deaths in a group of people who do not normally die for no reason. Perhaps it’s strokes and heart attacks? Perhaps it’s that people who would normally be under a doctors care are foregoing that because they have been told to be scared of a virus that has a low ability to actually kill younger people?
Perhaps it’s the VAERS data showing up in the mortality data of an insurance company?
Total BS in my opinion. At least the "across the industry" comment. I just spoke to a regional director at a major mutual about this and they said their carrier has seen nothing like that from their claims.
Poppycock!! I know plenty of 18-64 year old people. I can promise that no where near 40% of them are dying!
Or perhaps it's from the jab. :yes:
It is. Everyone else is living on the moon.
Everyone who disagree!
I do think it is up. Industry of all ages was up 27% in 2020 & from what I have seen so far, 2021 will be up 30%+ over the already higher than normal 2020 claims.
With that said, if morality I'm that age bracket was say 200 out of every 100,000 people age 20-65, a 40% jump would only be 80 more out of 100,000 people & likely wouldn't be noticeable to must of us. Especially if almost all of the increase was in the 55-65 segment of that nearly 50 year age bracket referenced in the OA bulletin.
I know the 1 state captive multi line carrier I am with is up $10M more in life claims this year. Around $50M for 2021 compared to $40M in 2020 & historically around $36M. I don't know the age breakdown, but have seen a lot of large term compared to the past years which indicates a lot more claims on younger ages. In the past it was mainly WL from the 1950-60s, UL from the 1980s & SPWL where most bought when age 60-85 in past 2 decades showing up in claims reports. Longest list of claims this past month that I have seen in my 25 year career. 16 of the 80 claims for the month were in the 65 & under. So, to be 40% up in claim counts in that bracket would only mean being up 5 claims from 11.
Company shress this every month with agents so agents can share with clients people do die unexpectedly & also that the company does more than just collect premiums & annoy agents
But if they are protected what the shot, Why should they fear on who is not protected,
The unprotected can't undo the shots the protected already have
It says rates are up 40%.
So if was (completely making this number up) .01% and now it's .014% then that would be a 40% increase.
Govt. data reveals over 946K people suffered injuries or death from COVID-19 vaccinations
So I'm having a lot of trouble with this. The pandemic has been going in the U.S. for just under 2 years. It's a country of about 350,000,000 people, and about 830,000 have died with covid. That's under 1 in 700 people a year. Still less than are dying from diabetes, obesity, or heart disease. How does he come up with a 40% increase?
He says he is "seeing" a 40% increase in working class people between 18 and 64, but the average age of death from covid is 78.89 years old (with 2.6 co morbidities, by they way). I am just not making sense of this. Just more media fear mongering.
And I'm sorry, but if someone is 78.89 years old with 2.6 co morbidities, frankly, they're already dead: don't blame covid. My dad is an 82 year old ex smoker with a heart condition and anemia. Whatever "kills him", be it a flight of stairs, a scary movie, an uneven sidewalk, a spicy sandwich, or Tuesday, can't be blamed.
You didnt read the article did you….
I’ve read that nearly 1 in 7 deaths are on Tuesdays. I feel the time has come to outlaw them.
taken out of context & factually incorrect. Friday & Saturdays have higher death rates by 1.33%. So, really only .99867 out of 7 are on Tuesdays. it may not seem significant (like most of my comments), but over the course of 75 years in a Country with 350M people, it will mean nearly 700,000 fewer people will die on a Tuesday than Fridays & Saturdays. You're welcome
Only the part with words in it.
He said nearly 1 in 7. Then you said he was incorrect, that it's .99867 out of 7, which is in fact nearly 1 in 7, just like he said. So you're agreeing with him. You're welcome. :twitchy:;)
But I don't want to have to agree with him. They isn't how social media is designed
Now Allen, THAT is something I can agree with. I think most of the divisiveness and conflict in this country is how the media spins things, of which social media is largely to blame.
Then your reading comprehension is lacking. He never said the deaths were because the people caught Covid.
Fine, if you want to get pedantic, then I didn't say that's what he said. He did say it was from the pandemic, though, so it's heavily implied.
He specifically said it was not due to the disease itself.
Its not being pedantic, its being accurate. You ranted about Covid deaths in an effort to say it was fearmongering …. which was totally irrelevant to the statement the CEO made since he specifically said the deaths were not from the Covid disease.
By why let facts get in the way of ranting against the "enemy"… other than the fact that we are supposed to be mature adults … or neighbors… or fellow citizens….
And if you google the original article and hear more of what he said, he actually cites state death statistics in backing up his claims. Not saying any of it is accurate, he could have pulled the numbers out of thin air, Im certainly not the one who is looking them up to verify. But it was not based solely on One America claims.
I don't see anywhere in the article where he says the deaths are not from Covid. One could interpret that as a possibility from his statement, but that's not what he says. Maybe that's what you gleaned from it, but that's not what it says. Below is what he says. So either you are the one that needs to work on your reading comprehension, or you and I are reading two different articles.
“What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic,” Davison said. “It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers.”
Since this thread has a bit to do with COVID, here is an excellent article that puts the vaccine and other mandates into a logical perspective:
While I don't agree with every word of the article, I would allege that we ought to bring some common sense into public policymaking and dispense with the virtue signaling, scolding lectures, and the like.
Nearly everyone I know has moved on from the pandemic obsession and has gotten on with their lives. At least around here I can still go to Texas Roadhouse without getting carded for HIPAA-protected personal health information.
He clearly says right there that the deaths are not COVID related. He said they are happening during the pandemic, but not because of COVID.
Not sure what you are reading, but what you said you read and what you posted dont match.
He is saying that COVID deaths are not the reason. Plain as day. Unless you infer something thats not there to support your feelings about the overall pandemic in general…
I don't care that all of you are quibbling about the numbers reported by Oneamerica's CEO. He said deaths among the working age are up by a huge amount. If you don't want to link that proof with the covid vaccines, that's your choice and your right. I am, however, linking it with the jabbed and would prefer to not be around those shedders and spreaders. So just like the vaccinated are demanding, I'm demanding that I not have to be enclosed in an office with spreaders.
MAY NOT be doesn not mean is not from its a possibility but does not say it is
“He added that about 84% of OneAmerica’s workforce is vaccinated, and “we have heard loud and clear from our vaccinated employees that they want no part of working in an open office environment with unvaccinated associates,” Davison said.”
Let’s see, you’re a “vaccinated” employee and you don’t want to be around other “unvaccinated” colleagues because you don’t want to get the virus?
Dictionary.com – "Vaccine": A vaccine is a substance introduced into someone’s body to prevent them from getting a specific disease. It usually consists of a small amount of a killed, weakened, or otherwise modified version of a disease (such as a virus or bacterium). Vaccines work by allowing your immune system to develop defenses against that disease, called antibodies, so they can destroy it if it ever enters your body again.
What’s the point in getting the vaccine? These 84% of employees have already been vaccinated and I’m sure a large percentage has been given the booster shot. These folks don’t have anything to worry about…they’ve taken the vaccine. Why put a mandate on the others? They’ve chosen to not be vaccinated and it shouldn’t affect those who have been vaccinated.
Mark, I've seen this guy a couple of times in citizenfreepress.com. This is by far his best in making a point through comedic common sense. Hilarious!!
I appreciate you posting this…perfect timing too. We all need a comedy break. Proverbs 17:22 – "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."
I don't know about you, but Mondays always kill me
You obviously skipped Science and Math classes, but went to every Drama class.
He has a channel on Rumble.
I just came across this article that came out in June this year about Lincoln National Life Ins. They reported a 163% INCREASE IN DEATH BENEFITS paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021 (for deaths of working people ages 18-64; Lincoln National attributes the $41 million operating loss to “non-pandemic-related morbidity” and “unusual claims adjustments.”)
Here's the article link:
BREAKING: Fifth largest life insurance company in the US paid out 163% more for deaths of working people ages 18-64 in 2021 – Total claims/benefits up $6 BILLION
Has anybody heard about this? I know that I haven't.
Also, here are (2) very good videos, just within the last couple of days, discussing recent findings about adverse reactions to the v@ccine in Germany and the other is about a specific study about the two hypotheses on why the significant uptick in non-c0vid related deaths. The first video is about 7 minutes long and the other is approx 5 minutes long.
These life ins companies have got to take into account this new dynamic in their insurance premiums very quickly or they'll be (and we'll be) in deep trouble…I don't think this can be ignored/unnoticed much longer.
This just came out yesterday from the European Parliament. Pfizer just admitted that they didn't test the covid "VACCINE" to see if it would Prevent Transmission, yet gov't leaders & employers forced/coerced citizens and employees to take the poison jab or not have access to public places including restaurants and in a lot of cases, get fired.
More & more info is coming out about this poison that is maiming and killing people.
It's main purpose was to trigger the immune system, which would reduce the effects if Covid was contracted. I'm surprised that 18 months later, some can't still get their heads around it. Do you really want to know what maimed and killed people? Ignorance and Covid.
Vaccines are not meant to prevent transmission. That is why you were told to wear a mask and wash your hands.
He was also told to clean his room as a kid, and nobody has the right to do that.
:huh:… Uh, so vaccines aren't given to prevent the spread of something? Fuzzy logic on that one or just the new logic that everyone seems to use these days.
What really when did this happen??
IO know they said it was not going to protect you from getting it but it was to stop the spread stop the curve
What happened to everyone needs to get vaxed so we can get back to work
or the unvaxed are putting everyone at risk, because they are the cause of the spread
It reduces the chance of it spreading. It does not prevent it. Just like the flu vaccine.
Oh I missed that part where they defended it showing statistics or some evidence that it has reduced spreading
even in second reading
I mean that would just be the logical defense If I were Pfizer
Yet they seem to be silent on that also, In fact they have been fighting the release of any info from the beginning
did you notice the change of language also when they are saying the children and teens should not get it unless they have major pre ex because Its not worth the risk
Fox again??? lol
Just got the booster. Flu is nest week. Get the shingles because I saw that first hand. Was not pretty which made me go get the two shots.
Shots I could never do were alcohol shots. Hated the taste straight up.