There’s a quick new way to determine Medicare Advantage enrollment by county.
A new, intuitive tool created by Bellingham, Wash.-based MedicareCompareUSA can be accessed by visiting the company’s newly designed website at
The company said in a press release it created the tool so hospitals, healthcare systems and medical groups in all 50 states will be able to see where their greatest opportunities lie for patient growth as well as what trends have emerged county by county over the past six years.
The mapping also shows market penetration by county of Medicare Advantage plans, both in raw numbers and share of market. Having this data, the company says, will help providers determine where to intelligently spend marketing dollars and where a potential change in contractual relationships could have the greatest impact.
“It is important for hospitals, more than ever, to have a proactive strategy for retaining current Medicare patients and attracting new patients, especially those just turning 65,” says Paul Gauthier, founder and CEO of MedicareCompareUSA. “This tool will help providers become actively involved in marketing to the senior population in their communities and to own the relationship with their patients as never before.”
MedicareCompareUSA currently claims to have a strong presence in 20 states and says it delivers an important and often missing link between healthcare providers and consumers by helping Medicare beneficiaries select a health plan that is accepted by their existing hospital and doctors. MedicareCompareUSA also serves as a vital resource to hospitals at the time of a “compelling event” – such as change in health plan contracts – in helping client hospitals retain desirable market share they have worked hard to build.
MCUS/New mapping capabilities
The new mapping feature on the MedicareCompareUSA website is the first of many enhancements the company intends to introduce throughout 2018. It is part of the company’s newly launched website, which serves as a Medicare plan enrollment center by providing those on Medicare a one-stop shop to answer questions regarding Medicare options and to connect them with an agent who can help them enroll in the plan of their choice. The company also says the site also serves as “an important resource for agents, brokers and providers who more than ever are needing to realign their strategies and adapt to the changing buying habits of patients.”
About MedicareCompareUSA: MedicareCompareUSA helps Medicare beneficiaries select a health plan that is accepted by their existing hospital and doctors, thus assuring continuity of care and preserving the trusted relationships many providers have built up over time with their patients. Not owned or managed by any Medicare insurance company, MedicareCompareUSA’s mission is to provide seniors the unbiased information they need while simplifying the enrollment process. For more information visit
Looks interesting. They are currently only in 20 states, so I added my information in the event they expand to mine in the future.
"MedicareCompareUSA is an insurance agency, call center and media provider of Medicare-related content. MedicareCompareUSA is not affiliated with the federal Medicare program." Looks like another lead generation site…
Yeah it looks like an agent site and I can’t see where the map is anyways. Not very friendly
Chazm, this is where I found where it shows which states they are in currently: Speak With an Agent – MedicareCompareUSA
For example, you're in FL and when you look under Florida it brings up specific hospitals. I'm in PA and no hospitals are listed yet.
This is crap.
I don't sell MAPD but I know which hospitals in Dallas take at least 1 plan. None of them are listed. So either they only sell 1 plan and are using their network or the site isn't ready, but they still put out a press releaae.
I’m just confused I guess. I thought this site brings up MAPD penetration in each state? That’s what the title says.
When I click on your link and then my state, it just brings up phone numbers to call.
If anyone is interested in the penetration data, here it is from CMS MA State/County Penetration – Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
For what it's worth, Ritter has a tool which shows this data. You have to be registered for their website. It's called Ritter Insight. It also provides the number of people eligible in the county and the per person and per household income.
Well I see that my comment is awaiting moderation (still). So let me just chime in in plain English: HOGWASH. This is no not for profit consumer friendly site like Kaiser Foundation, etc. This is an agent/agency’s site and its main intent is to sell insurance and profit therefrom. Not sure why the forum has opted to promote this, but not cool.
Maybe they got paid. I wouldn’t blame them. It’s good advertisemt for them. It’s just misleading because I haven’t seen one person say they can see mapd Plans in their market
Duh! It states the following right on their website:
MedicareCompareUSA is an insurance agency, call center and media provider of Medicare-related content. MedicareCompareUSA is not affiliated with the federal Medicare program.
As for it being promoted here, I'm guessing they paid to have it placed. Perfectly within the rights of the owner of this site.
This. Market penetration data is public domain, updated monthly by CMS. We don't need no steenkin' vendor website (for that market info)
Speaking of tools…………you just responded to one. :biggrin:
You’re a really swell guy. Takes a big man to talk smack the way you do about someone you don’t know. If you only knew half of what you think you know, you’d be half as smart as a fifth grader.
This wasn't paid. Admittedly slow insurance news day and pressed for time due to some other work projects Wednesday, wrote up a press release thought might be of some interest and didn't vet it the way it should have been. My apologies. Should have at the very least tagged it as "featured PR." My bad, and I actually do appreciate being called out for it as we strive to provide solid editorial content that is of interest and value to Forum members. Just poor judgment on my part for this one…
Well, I guess we can forgive you. Especially since you didn't try to pass the buck like so many do.:yes:
It's probably an advertised post. The company paid for it.
What kind of yardage do you think he gets?
So what I hear you saying is that this thread will be deleted since it is nothing but hogwash, right?
Coming from you, that means a lot. :nah:
Grow up dude. Go back to school for a few years. When you learn half as much as I’ve forgotten, come back and try to hold an intelligent conversation.
Kinda like you did about Somarco?
It’s the same situation. The monkey and the clown both were chiming in when plainly they simply don’t get sarcasm.
This site is getting ridiculous and your a big part of it. I've never actually hung out around an intelligent person that told me how intelligent they were. It never seems to work that way. They never seem to have something to prove like you do……
So Mr SmartyPants………..did you ever find AARP's A.M. Best rating? :twitchy:
If anyone is need of a tool like this I can provide one! please contact me if you are interested
Hey, clean it up!!! This isn't a porn site. :policeman: