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Medicare Agent Training - Ritter, Todd King, etc...

Thanks for the shout out on this! We are in the process of redoing the website. It will be laid out in order, so you won't need to hunt and peck to find what you need. It will actually be a course that lasts up to 5 weeks. It's a pretty big undertaking, but we have now started on it. I wish I knew just how long it will take to complete, but i just don't at the moment.

Todd, in my experience, having a selection of live sales calls to listen to is one of the best methods of learning. That way you can see the good, the bad and the ugly and how to handle it. You think MT101 will ever see something like that?
Who do you guys recommend for training, contracting, and quote engine for a new agent just getting their feet wet in the business. Does one provide better service, training, support, tools, commissions, etc... than the other?

Yep, Google will teach you mostly everything you want to know.
Todd, in my experience, having a selection of live sales calls to listen to is one of the best methods of learning. That way you can see the good, the bad and the ugly and how to handle it. You think MT101 will ever see something like that?

We just might if we can find the right agents to do it.
Yes, those parts would either have to be cut out of bleeped.

Even at that, it's a paid site, and the person on the other end, their voice, their questions, their personality, are being used for training - and if they didn't give permission, it may not be "OK."

Now, I know it happens frequently, and other "trainers" have put their calls online, edited and cut - but that doesn't make it right.

I can almost guarantee that 99.999% of those "training" calls - the agent did not ask the prospect if it was OK for them to use their conversation to "train" other agents on how to sell properly.
Even at that, it's a paid site, and the person on the other end, their voice, their questions, their personality, are being used for training - and if they didn't give permission, it may not be "OK."

Now, I know it happens frequently, and other "trainers" have put their calls online, edited and cut - but that doesn't make it right.

I can almost guarantee that 99.999% of those "training" calls - the agent did not ask the prospect if it was OK for them to use their conversation to "train" other agents on how to sell properly.

Yes, we would have to get something signed I'm sure.