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Personalized letters require them to call you . So Medicare lady’s 7% means you mail 300 you get 21 calls . Scott’s program does personalized letters .He can tell us if his letters get 7% callbacks . From what I’ve read that’s not the case

7 % one could scale and be in 7 figures in just a couple years from 0
7% return does not mean 7% sold immediately. I mailed 600 in Feb. and am now getting calls, I have spoken to a dozen folks and sold 5 so far, slow and steady, try 6 different things and you'll get results, try one thing and your going to fail.
how many letters did you mail in March and april?
I wasn't get a good return in TN either, In fact it was less then 1% by a good margin though I had 100% close ratio

I'm in OH now trying a new run here to see if better

I am also going to experiment with postcards or maybe a mix
Where in Ohio?
Personalized letters require them to call you . So Medicare lady’s 7% means you mail 300 you get 21 calls . Scott’s program does personalized letters .He can tell us if his letters get 7% callbacks . From what I’ve read that’s not the case
another issue I have is I get about 5% returned for invalid address,
7% return does not mean 7% sold immediately. I mailed 600 in Feb. and am now getting calls, I have spoken to a dozen folks and sold 5 so far, slow and steady, try 6 different things and you'll get results, try one thing and your going to fail.

So your saying if you mail 500 letters every month your getting 35 people calling you every month ?
(Caveat, not an agent)

Now that's interesting.

Your signature box says Florida, and if I am remembering right, Medicare Agent is in Florida too.

I wonder what makes the difference in returns?
I don't know. Personalized letter with hand written address. 1%. I have a better return telemarketing.