My first district manager always said, "he that tooteth not his own tooter shan't have his tooter tooted." so I am going to toot...first to reach 1000 likes...


Nice, better send a bucket of flowers to daytimer.

Huh, never knew that existed. Congrats!

I think @Life Hawk should get the most tooting. He has the highest ratio of likes to posts. Most of the top 10 likees post more than anyone else.

Actually the likes tally are only from the last coupla years when it reset from the old format. Remember when you could give a thumbs down. :)
Nice, better send a bucket of flowers to daytimer.

Actually the likes tally are only from the last coupla years when it reset from the old format. Remember when you could give a thumbs down. :)
Yeah.. I think I received a few of those before they did away with it..
My first district manager always said, "he that tooteth not his own tooter shan't have his tooter tooted." so I am going to toot...first to reach 1000 likes...


Just added another to your tally...

The experience of seasoned agents on this forum continue to add to my own learning experience... wish I had joined sooner.

Rouse... you are "Sill Here!"... wishing you many more years of the same. :wubclub:
Huh, never knew that existed. Congrats!

I think @Life Hawk should get the most tooting. He has the highest ratio of likes to posts. Most of the top 10 likees post more than anyone else.
But.....when they changed the format of the Forum a few months ago, the # of posts carried over, but the # of Thumbs Ups weren't brought forward, so that makes your statement a little off. Everybody had to start over.
But.....when they changed the format of the Forum a few months ago, the # of posts carried over, but the # of Thumbs Ups weren't brought forward, so that makes your statement a little off. Everybody had to start over.

That's true. Is there a way to see how many posts have been made since they made the change?