2014 Exchange


Does anyone know that when 2014 comes with the Exchanges in place will there be ANY Health Insurance Carriers Outside of the Exchange?

And if so Which Carriers will they be?

Also Are they going to be able to compete with the Exchange?

And will the Same Carriers be in the Exchange and Outside the Exchange?

All replies welcomed...Tks in advance
I wish I had time to dig through it: Health Care Reform News and Updates - in the search bar enter "private exchange" and just "exchange."

A LOT of action by carriers and states. Yes, some carriers are planning on a private exchange: Private insurance exchange introduced by KC's Blue and Blues invests in health exchange

Nothing in the legislation requires any carrier to participate in the public exchange. However, I do believe that in order to offer plan outside of the exchange they must also participate in the exchange. So basically, all or nothing.

If you want update on where the states are at - here: http://www.statehealthfacts.org/comparemaptable.jsp?ind=962&cat=17
Pretty simple; didn't want the name healthagent any more since I don't sell health insurance.

Do you now sell crabcakes?

Actually, I'm pretty sure you are in the witness protection program and was forced to change the name. Not sure if posting that on a public forum is the best idea though.
