22 Yr Old MA Life Insurance Agent


New Member
Hello Everyone!

Older brother has been a captive agent for two years at a major life insurance company. I interned for him for a little over a year and liked what I saw in the job: own boss, get what you put into it, believe in the importance of it, fulfillment from client interactions, etc. I understand the high failure rate in the industry, but my brother has done well thus far, and I feel we will work well together and complement each other in the necessary ways.

Passed my Life, should pass health in a week, then studying for 6 and 63. Planning on starting full-time aug 1. In this thing for the long haul (should things work out). To start, I plan on hitting the ground running. Booking as many appts as possible and selling term or whole life to get my client total up ASAP (obviously recommend what's appropriate for client and situation).

Glad to join the site. Look forward to gaining as much knowledge as possible and when I begin to get some experience under my belt, plan on giving back to the forums.

Best of luck everyone. Keep working hard!

Welcome and good luck.

Rule #1. Every time you see your brother or his sales manager/GA, make them teach you how they successfully prospected for new clients.

The most important thing you can learn is how to find new qualified prospects and thus new clients. You can always have your GA or brother go on appointments with you in the beginning to learn sales skills. Your GA should do it just for the override, at least for the first year or so. Hopefully you can get your brother to do it for free or just a small cut.
Thank you for the advice. I will be sure not to go it alone on first appointments. I'm lucky. My brother does not have the best prospecting skills/habits but he does well on appointments so I'll learn a lot from him. In addition, he will not charge me anything. We get along very well and before getting into this we made an agreement that above everything else we maintain a great relationship. Having said that, partner splits will happen with complex cases if I feel I will not be able to close with someone but he might be able to.