36f Needing Underwriting Help


Hey forum,

I have a36 year old female in Nevada who wants a 30 yr ROP term policy. She caught a substantial rate up from Transamerica due to a "non secreting pituitary microadenoma".

Where can I put this prospect for her best rate? Non rateable build, healthy, non tobacco.... Only other condition is that she is currently pregnant.

Help, folks!


Really, nobody? Was hoping someone knew underwriting well enough...
Not until 5 years out from surgery/radiation/treatment will she get standard. 2 years out is table 4, 3 is table 3, 4 is table 2 and 5 is standard. Get her insured under a 10 year term with the intention on replacing it when she hits 5 years. If you sell her a rated ROP plan, you can almost guarantee there is not a refund of rated premiums (all carriers offering ROP that I know of are this way), defeating the purpose.

And, call your upline...that is what you pay them for.