6 Million Sign Ups


1000 Post Club
Ignoring the fact we all know that this number is probably manipulated and up to 20% of this number probably has defaulted already, what percentage of your on-exchange enrollments have been young AND healthy? My estimate is about 1/4 of my new enrollees to fall under 35 years old, but zero of them would be considered healthy. One off the top of my head is typically considered healthy due to the fact that she is very athletic, but she needs her right knee replaced, her left knee scoped and has reoccurring back injuries. Another is Type II Diabetic. Others have all the usual ailments such as heart disease, lung disorders etc from a less than healthy lifestyle.

It wouldn't surprise me if the administration comes out with a wonderful story about how many young and healthy signed up, but how will they qualify those as healthy? Anyone in my book that is young AND healthy stayed on their 2013 plan. Those that came to me for health insurance this year refused ACA compliant and chose the STM since they were able to pass underwriting and save piles of cash even considering the penalty.

What is everyone else's experience? Young AND healthy, or young and big medical losses?

We know many of you are working hard to finish enrolling in a health plan. Sometimes despite your best efforts, you may run into delays caused by heavy traffic to www.HealthCare.gov or our call center, maintenance periods, or other special situations that are preventing you from finishing the process on time. Don't worry, if you're still trying to get signed up by the end of today, we'll make sure you still get covered.
I have some families where one or more may be healthy but all of the singles are going to generate a lot of claims. Even the families where one or more in the family has health issues, I doubt the premium will be sufficient to offset the claims.

I would not be surprised if my Ocare block runs 150%.
Ditto. The young and healthy either opted out or stayed on their 2013 pre-ACA plan. My new apps were mostly over age 30, but those in their 20's that signed up were definitely not healthy.
My on exchange people have been mostly young and healthy, without current coverage.

My off exchange has been primarily older (50+) who were either on the high risk pool or waiting to retire, but couldn't due to insurance. Love my 50+ couples!
My son enrolled and pending his new job reduced his income to qualify for the silver 94. He promptly went to an ENT, had a $5 MRI, and will have his septum fixed. Might cost him $500. Likely will cost Blue Shield $25K.

His new job starts May so he'll drop this coverage in a couple of months.

Thanks President Merlin!

Vast majority of my new clients had pre existing condition, and, they were older.
I would say less than 10% were under age 30.
This was not the mix the goberment, or, insurance industry wanted.
I'm sure this adverse selection will be the final straw to break the back of the health insurance industry.
Hello single payer.
My son enrolled and pending his new job reduced his income to qualify for the silver 94. He promptly went to an ENT, had a $5 MRI, and will have his septum fixed. Might cost him $500. Likely will cost Blue Shield $25K.

His new job starts May so he'll drop this coverage in a couple of months.

Thanks President Merlin!


Yeah but all of your son's friends that signed up will save the system. Obama said so.