A Fun Thought with Sebelius


1000 Post Club
If it seems that The HHS Sebelius is having problems deciphering what's in the current health bill, imagine how bad it will be if Republicans win the House next month and don't fund the bill - but she has to worry about enforcing the regulations.

Want to see a serious showdown? How about enforcing a bill that has no funding, and neither side is willing to budge - and a ton of states that will be forced to default on their debt repayments as a result.

(insert smug face here)
Re: A Fun Thought ...

Yeah and how screwed will it be for CA now that we have already started our own exchange? I'd just love to see every company decide not to participate and stagnate the entire system.

Shebullshits has proved many times over she is a lost ball in high weeds when it comes to health insurance. She has no clue what she is doing. Makes you wonder what she did during the years she was insurance commissioner.

Apparently the job description did not require you to understand anything about the mechanics of the industry you were charged with regulating.

This thing is a train wreck and nothing short of outright repeal is going to fix it.
The cynic in me thinks that at this point it doesn't matter what gets repealed or postponed. Certain carriers are not only not agent friendly but have a disdain for agents. I don't see those carriers changing anything even if MLRs get pushed off onto 2014.

They would likely still reduce comp as "prep" for 2014. Other agent friendly carriers would go right back to business as usual.

Now...for the problem. The agent friendly carriers would go right back to business as usual but we all know who those carriers are...don't we.
Right on healthagent.

...and what exactly are the Republicans going to repeal? I'm reading just small parts of the Bill. How does that help us?