A Lot of Negative Press Lately


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Lately I have seen more and more negative talk about health care reform all over the news, seems to me the movement to repeal this law and start over is very serious...Not saying it will be repealed but with the midterms around the corner and ZERO politicians supporting it doesnt that seem positive for us agents???
The only immediate relief we'll get as health insurance agents is to have the MLRs pushed back to 2014. Then carriers can continue with current commission schedules.
The bill has started to give itself a lot of negative press.... although its not necessarily in the press.

Ive been helping on the voluntary life side with a 5000 person open enrollment for the past couple of weeks.

The griping that I have heard from employees is not about prices; its about the recent changes to FSAs.
These employees loved their FSAs and what they could buy with it. Now many of them did not continue their FSA because what they bought most often with it is now no longer on the approved product list for FSAs.

Most would immediately blame the hospital, but once they found out that it was the health care bill, they where not too happy..... change you can believe in!!