ACA/Birth Control @ No Charge, Not Happening Al the Time


1000 Post Club
Currently, the service department is researching my client's question about why their ACA compliant group coverage isn't paying for birth control pills with no copay. Good question.

This is a BCBS carrier. Any others have this?
ACA allows for copays, for example if the drug is a vrand when a generic is available. Group plans can also have copays if group is grandfathered, religious exemption, etc
The "birth control is free" under ACA has a ton of loopholes and the carriers have found them.

In general, if you are on a cheap BCP or its depo-provera, its free. Everything else, you are going to pay for.
ACA allows for copays, for example if the drug is a vrand when a generic is available. Group plans can also have copays if group is grandfathered, religious exemption, etc

This is not a grandfathered group, so your info sounds about right. I saw an article in online Money mentioning the brand vs. generic issue for ACA compliant plans. No doubt it's something like that. I am going to re-read the article for their resolution, as the particular brand had no generic version. That may not matter in the rules.

Thanks to both of you for responding.