ACT 2010 with Calculations


New Member
I would like to enable act 2010 to do the following.

Calculate my estimated commission based on a drop down commission schedule I input.
Calculate their annual savings vs. their own insurance companies rates ( i will input new and old rates)

I would like to track the savings I am giving my clients, as well as my expected commissions.

I would also like to attach a drop down to tell me which company they switched from, and which they switched too.

Is this possible?
You can do about anything with ACT and add ons.
Just do a web search for Act add ons and you will get plenty of options.
It just seems like I should be able to do this without paying for an addon.

Even microsoft Access lets me do this stuff fairly easily. If it wasn't so ugly I might use it.
You can use "automatic field calculations". The key is the set up your source fields so that the data you need for your calcualtions is available in seperate fields.