I;m new to insurance so thanks for all the help I receive here. Today I visited a couple and quoted them for FE thru Foresters. male 76 and wife 65 both non smokers and all health questions were great,. no known issues. The husband zeroed in on 15k for a funeral price so when I quoted him.. I gave him 10k ( 101 ) 12k ( 120 ) and 15k (150 ) the wife's quote was 10k (75 ), 12k ( 90) and 15k ( 112 ) He immed selected 15k for the wife and 10k for him, but I couldnt close him . He said something about having to check with someone to see if what he has etc etc.. MY question to you pros is this, besides term and ul and gul ( dont even know what that is, lol ) is there a cheaper whole life is they do blood work, etc? thanks