Aetna Gets Rid of 0% Copays for HSAs Offered to Small Groups


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This is double speak from Aetna. What they're really saying is that they can't afford to offer 0% copays anymore which is one of big reasons for using an HSA. Anthem will be a good alternative.

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Aetna Small Group Product Portfolio Update

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica] Aetna is committed to promoting both the concept of consumerism and affordable health care product options for our small group customers. Based upon what we have experienced in the marketplace, we have seen that the 100% HSA plans do not achieve the level of essential elements of cost sharing, such as coinsurance or copays, after satisfaction of the deductible which are critical to the concept of consumerism. So as a result, effective September 1, 2010, Aetna will no longer be marketing 100% HSA Plans in our Small Group product portfolio.
I disagree, they are saying that once people meet deductibles the client has 0% reason to not go to the doctor whenever they want, compare prices for procedures before getting things done etc.

While I enjoy writing 100% HSA's it only makes sense for a carrier to consider 80%-90% co-insurance and a lower deductible to offset. Carriers can afford to offer any plan, whether the claims loss will let them keep a competitive price is another story.