AfterThoughts Birthday Insurance

What says "Happy Birthday" like a personalized card and a few hundred dollars from your dead relative every year?

The thought of terrorizing my family from the grave brings me such joy. I understand the sentiment, I guess. Are there other weird little companies like this? Does anyone sell this?

Sorry I can't be around to celebrate with you Johnny: i'm dead! Happy Birthday!

really hope you are kidding....and does assurity approve of this....

Took the words out of my mouth. I feel bad for her upline. Oh wait. They are the ones turning her lose without the proper training.

really hope you are kidding....and does assurity approve of this....

(I sent this by accident before I was done writing it)

I was kidding ;)
When I found out such a thing existed I thought it was cool. That link that was posted answered a lot of questions
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