Agency Brochures...?

I need to get some agency brochures created... does anyone have a suggestion of a relatively inexpensive place I can get these done? Don't they have sites that create them for you...or do you create them yourselves and just send them to the printer?

Suggestions welcome!
I have a website already but wanted some material in office as well. I find Mines Press is expensive but their content is good. Any other suggestions? Mines Press was just about all I found??
Vista print will print them pretty inexpensively, but you'll have to design them yourself. They do have design services, but I'm not sure they would understand insurance marketing without you pretty much doing it yourself anyway.

A printed brochure is a great piece to have and serves a different objective than a website. You need both. They should complement each other.

Saying brochures are so 80's is a bit like saying phones are so 60's, do everthing via email. Hmmm, life isn't quite that simple yet. Or maybe email is so 90's, life is about tweets now.

I have used VistaPrint and their price and service is very good.
If you aren't the creative type that has designed any marketing literature, you may want to search the web for free templates. You have to determine what is the best use of your time: selling insurance or designing brochures.

I spent two hours of my time after 10 pm, where it would not be acceptable to speak with someone at that hour, and found an acceptable business card template for free. I spent an additional 4 hours downloading software to modify the card and upload it to VistaPrint. So, for me, 6 hours of time was worth the effort.
To see my business card, I've attached it to another post. Search for black business card.

All the best to you.