I have a contractor that has suggested I look into Amerifirst for his WC. He has been with Lackawanna for a long time and has an EMR of .85. He told me that he read that Amerifirst Cabinet Works rate is 2.75. Lackawana's manual rate is 3.62 but with the EMR the effective rate is 3 and then on top they have their policy discounts. Who told them? It was in a mailing from another agency. It is a small agency, located in an old home and has been around for about 4 years. In the letter they state that they negotiated the 2.75 rate with Amerifirst for their clients. One of the insurance agencies I use to place business has 125 employees and is 110 years old. They are BIG BIG. Yep, for big clients, with large premiums, a big 110 year old agency can negotiate. Can a 3 person agency, for a $10,000 WC premium, negotiate to have the insurance company deviate their manual rate? IMHO using the word negotiate in the letter wasn't a clear choice of wording. The more straight forward way of wording would probably have been, we have a company that has lower rates. Ah marketing! We see it each day on our TV and wonder how they get away with what they say? My wife says most of marketing is a legal way to tell lies. So the question, should we peruse an appointment with Amerifirst. I've read their recent 10-K. I've known enough TPA arrangement's in my time and re-insurers are like God to them. No treaty and you are in trouble. In the 10-K it says, "We currently have 15 reinsurers participating in our reinsurance treaty program." I've never known any arrangement to have 15 reinsurance treaties. Lackawanna has one reinsurance company. Thirty years in this business and I've so often seen people get involved with a company that was buying the business and in the end they get bit in the butt. Just not sure which way I want to go with this one. Any ideas would be helpful.