Annuity Ad in Paper


100+ Post Club
I have the opportunity to put an ad in the paper, a very visiable ad on the front page of the paper.

I have got VERY good response from doing life Ads in this same paper, but want to target CD holders that are getting 1.## intrest rates on their CDs.

Does anyone have any suggestions what the ad could say? I am very new to annuities and am going to be strictly be doing fixed annuities with a "high" (compares to CD) guaranteed rate of intrest. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The newspaper ads around here offer a high short-term interest rate for CD's.

The rub: Only $10k can be placed in the CD; the agent supplements the interest rate from his own pocket.

Nothing but a ruse to get them in the door and sell an annuity. Aviva recently sent out their suitability guide and they prohibit this practice.

I'm not a big fan of print advertising, but there are multiple people repeatedly running the ads I mentioned, so it must work for them.

I suggest you season yourself with annuities and their alternatives before you start burning money.
The newspaper ads around here offer a high short-term interest rate for CD's.

The rub: Only $10k can be placed in the CD; the agent supplements the interest rate from his own pocket.

Nothing but a ruse to get them in the door and sell an annuity. Aviva recently sent out their suitability guide and they prohibit this practice.

I'm not a big fan of print advertising, but there are multiple people repeatedly running the ads I mentioned, so it must work for them.

I suggest you season yourself with annuities and their alternatives before you start burning money.

W see the same thing in our local newspapers as well.
medicare supplements
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I would read up on all suitability guidelines and run it by a few annuity providers. Your dept of insurance regulators will be reading that same advertisement.
I have used MYGAs as a fairly suitable swap for CDs. They pay more than CDs and net out better still because of tax deferral.

The commissions are small, but let's say you get someone into a 5-year MYGA. At maturity they might be much more interested in looking at an indexed annuity since they are already used to the idea. Plus, they would be looking at paying taxes on the deferred growth if they cash out as opposed to staying deferred by switching to some flavor of traditional annuity.

You do have to be careful about withdrawal penalties which are higher than for equivalent CDs. I would get a separate written statement saying they are aware of the penalties and that they have plenty of liquid assets and don't believe they will need the money for the time period. I would do this in addition to any company statement of understanding.
Have the ad read:

Income for Life


Annuity= Tax free growth
Which one sounds better to you?
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