Annuity FMO Suggestions?


1000 Post Club
Can anyone recommend an FMO that works in annuities and offers decent contracts with a respectable lead program? I've been working the senior market for some time and have avoided the annuity market until now. Any tips would also be appreciated.
Can anyone recommend an FMO that works in annuities and offers decent contracts with a respectable lead program? I've been working the senior market for some time and have avoided the annuity market until now. Any tips would also be appreciated.

Sure. Higher contracts; you buy the leads at a discounted price. Sound fair?

You may want to look at Brokers Alliance as they are a sponsor of the board. Good luck trying to get a contract above street though.
Sure. Higher contracts; you buy the leads at a discounted price. Sound fair?

You may want to look at Brokers Alliance as they are a sponsor of the board. Good luck trying to get a contract above street though.

Frankly, I am not aware of the street level (or any level for that matter) contracts in the annuity field. I am such a fish out of water in annuities, although I am "familiar" with them. What source do you recommend for leads?

If you have been working in the senior market for some time your current client base would be your best source for leads. Call each one and offer a free financial review. You would be surprised at some of the thing you find. People in money markets getting little to no return. 75 year olds fully invested in the stock market. Etc.....
If you have been working in the senior market for some time your current client base would be your best source for leads. Call each one and offer a free financial review. You would be surprised at some of the thing you find. People in money markets getting little to no return. 75 year olds fully invested in the stock market. Etc.....

Yeah, I know you are right. I have been amazed at some of the things I have seen out there-- don't know why I have hesitated to make the jump for so long. Actually, I do-- it is the tax ramifications that concern me...
Frankly, I am not aware of the street level (or any level for that matter) contracts in the annuity field. I am such a fish out of water in annuities, although I am "familiar" with them. What source do you recommend for leads?


The problem with most annuity leads is that they are junk. They cost considerably more than your life lead, and are less consistent.

This is based on my experience with actual agents; YMMV. Give me a call if you would like.
stormtracker just sign up with insuranceexec you won't do any better and his company is reliable and honest and no I don't get any thing for the referral!!!
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