Annuity IMO

The Wise Buck

Can anyone recommend any of the better IMOs that have good products and resources for annuities?

I have a few appointments with National Brokerage (no complaints) However, I am looking for an organization that has support materials for agents (eg. Presentations books, marketing materials, etc.)

Thanks in advance.
Where are you located in Florida? PM me if you need to or don't want to say exactly where. I might have a local place for you.
What exactly are you looking for Wise Buck? Depending on what carriers you have contracts with, have you looked online or asked your IMO what those carriers have for marketing materials? The carriers usually have more info than the agents know what to do with.

On a Side Note: I've talked to Agents looking to move around because there is some "fancy new flip book" destined to increase their sales, but really you just need a gameplan and an IMO that works with you one-on-one who wants you to succeed.. My best agents don't have any marketing materials/fancy presentations. They visit the client for the 1st time with just a pen and note pad and actually listen to the "hot button issues" the clients are looking to solve by talking to you. The 2nd visit is the point where you are actually suggesting product to "solve their problem/situation". If you can do that, you will close a lot more cases than any "fancy new presentation material" will get you.

Key Points-Find an IMO that;
-actually works with you one-on-one
-Helps you with your marketing (not talking about $100 here and there, I'm talking about actually putting you in front of people)
-actually has the popular products so you don't lose your sales to somebody that does

Just my 2 Cents.. If you're looking to change or see what else is out there, PM me..
Can anyone recommend any of the better IMOs that have good products and resources for annuities?

I have a few appointments with National Brokerage (no complaints) However, I am looking for an organization that has support materials for agents (eg. Presentations books, marketing materials, etc.)

Thanks in advance. Is a good one..
I have been working with FIG for years now and have always been very happy with them.

I have heard good things about Sunderland group too.

BTW. Scott made some very good points and I agree with what he posted.
Thanks everyone...appreciate the responses.

I agree with the importance of not getting hung up on fancy bells and whistles. My goal is simply to be able to build trust and we all know that is a process that takes time.

For many of the people we meet with, they have a very limited or tainted view on annuities. Plus they don't know us. So, in order to get them to a comfort level we need to explain concepts once we've learned their personal needs. I've found it takes asking the right questions and listening. Once there, I am able to "show" them just how I can solve this for them.

I've learned the importance of being prepared vs. figuring it out as I go along. Of course we need to LISTEN to the clients wants, needs, fears, desires FIRST. Then, we do need to explain how we can solve those matters for them.

So, in looking for an IMO/FMO etc. I find it important that they have these tools that simply help the agent build that trust and explain the concept. I also think prospects judge us based on how we convey our knowledge and understanding of their needs. You have to present or explain to them "I hear you and this is how I can solve your need."

It could be that because I am relatively new to selling annuities, I want/need a presentation to lean on.

Ultimately, what I am looking to build for myself is a repeatable process that is professional and consistent. There appear to be a good number of FMOs that "get it." I've decided that it makes sense to be with 2-3 and develop a good working relationship.

Thanks again for everyone's feedback, comments and PMs.
Go to the American College website and find free downloads under LUTCF courses on Annuity. Although I'm no expert on the subject by any means, IMHO, knowing the basics, fundamentals and history is essential in gaining that confidence. Understand why an annuity is called a policy, why contributions are called premiums, why there's death benefit and how CDSC's work. Once you have the fundamentals down, create your own client-friendly presentations. You'll often find yourself in a ring against many enemies who are ready to tear you down. JMO