Annuity Owner Mistake Ads


Has anyone placed these ads in periodicals and had success? What IMOs did you go through? It seems like a sure way to get current annuity holders and see if it would be best to place them in a new annuity.
I think a mistake ad suggests there may be a problem with their annuity. Such as....

Did you still have an annuity that you purchased before 2003? If so, your beneficiaries may have to wait 5 years to receive their full inheritance.

Call to for a free review and peace of mind.
I think a mistake ad suggests there may be a problem with their annuity. Such as....

Did you still have an annuity that you purchased before 2003? If so, your beneficiaries may have to wait 5 years to receive their full inheritance.

Call to for a free review and peace of mind.

What's wrong with the bennies taking payout over 5 yrs? Uncle Sam will likely take less that way. I get your point but the forced distribution over 5 yrs is not necessarily a bad thing.
It's better when the children have a choice. In many cases there is no tax due, except on interest earned while the inheritance is being held hostage by the carrier.

Mrs. Smith, did you really mean to make your children wait another 5 years after you pass? Would you like me to fix that for you?
It is really hard to find a replacement for the usual annuity product that gives benes a choice of small bucket now or big bucket spread over 5 years.

I guess from a suitability standpoint, some of the new death benefit riders (4% BAA or 5% North American) might be a fit if the person is really concerned about about spreading money over 5 years.

But I have never really run into anyone who thought spreading money over 5 years for the kids was a bad thing. After all, they do have a choice on how to take the money. I tell people "They can do the smart thing or not. It will be their option." That seems to satisfy everyone.

Anyway, the real issue here is the "mistake ad" and the purpose is not to get someone in to have an intelligent discussion of income rider versus death benefit rider. The purpose is to scare them into coming in so you can try and get them into something, anything, else. Risky.