Anyone Know Anything About Natl West Global Look Back Annuity?


100+ Post Club
They are claiming 13.54%, 20.34% or 41.4% returns? I did a copy and paste below.

I am not pimping it "gents but the money is out there - you just have to pick it up - are you man enough to pick it up?"

Fixed Indexed Interest Option with Monthly Averaging:
. Globally Diversified by having interest
linked in part to
FOUR Indexes - No Cap
S&P 500® | Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50® | Nikkei 225 | Hang SengIndex
. Unique
"Lookback" Performance Weighting

9 Year Contract Term

5 by 5 Annuitization

10% Penalty-Free Withdrawals once each Policy Year
. Co-Annuitant Endorsement 01-4322-00; may vary by state.
. NEW Income Outlook Plus 5 - Withdrawal Benefit Rider* Featuring a 5% Lifetime OR Premium Bonus
. Full Account Value at Death!
7.00%** Commissions (Ages 0-75 NQ)
