Anyone Notice....?


1000 Post Club
After working a few dozen OE clients thus far a trend is forming...

1) Clients whom qualified for a Silver (Steeply discounted) plan last year are not looking to be able to afford them this year. This mainly due to the fact that the silver plans in the areas we're working have doubled if not quadrupled in price.
Example Client: Hus & Wife were paying $ 45 per month for carrier X 2014 silver plan. In reviewing the 2015 rates their costs increased (For the same plan) to $ 223 /month. Nothing changed income wise and sub remained the close to the same. This is forcing the client into a bronze plan with a higher deductible and MOOP. The potential financial damage in the instance said client has to use the plan.

This said, had said client waited to auto re-enroll the jump in premium would have caused them to dump the plan altogether.

2) Carrier X offered Platinum plan 2K14 at $ 930 (ish) per month. Rate increase was $ 4,200 per year on renewal. To contend with the rate increase said consumer opted to take a 2015 Gold plan (about the same costs as the Platinum plan for 2K14) to mitigate costs by simply increasing the MOOP.

Don't things seem to be going backwards?
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oh yeah its a one man show gig....nowadays......unless you want to give your commish to csr' can't own a large will lose money. Factor in a jacked up website and a SC decision some sherpa and live transfers....your @ss will be living under a bridge.....
I haven't sold any health insurance yet (newly lic)....BUT from what i've heard from friends around the country, MOST ACA premiums from ALL companies are headed up....not just Humana.

First one I had to renew on exchange has the same income as last year.

This means they get $9 extra each month in subsidy (about 3% more). The plan they're on (UHC Silver CSR, the most expensive silver on the market) had an almost hundred dollar price reduction. It's still the most expensive @ $544.76 for an individual, but the network is great.

They're happy, same plan costs less this year. Every other client is facing an increase of 4-10% on base premium. Post-subsidy, the increase is a much higher percentage.