app for Part B age 65, original signature or scanned ok? employer form coverage proof after age 65


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Client is in a hurry, just retired this week, wants to reduce the # of months on COBRA
I am agent for employer group and for the retiree (wife dropped off group plan several years ago)
Employer has the form needed when eligible for Part B when dropping off employer group,
Request for Employer Information. Prefilled by employee, only needs to fill in dates of coverage and sign.
Quickest way would be a pdf of the original.
Not sure if that's OK with Social Security.
Any veteran Medicare agents encountered this?
reduce the # of months on COBRA

Are you saying this person wants to go from group to COBRA to Medicare?

As for your other question, the quickest way to get the 40-B and L564 to SS is to take them to the nearest SS office. You can also mail them with return receipt / proof of delivery

Back to my question, if the individual goes from group to COBRA to Medicare you need to be aware of the COBRA trap
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Copies of the l564 form should be fine. I've had many hr departments fax to my office with clienty there. Never had one get kicked out bc it wasn't original.

Given that Social Security offices are closed, how are you going to get the forms to them?
Copies of the l564 form should be fine. I've had many hr departments fax to my office with clienty there. Never had one get kicked out bc it wasn't original.

Given that Social Security offices are closed, how are you going to get the forms to them?
See Bob's reply above. Mail. My thing about needing original or not is the employer's office staff are working from home, so awkward to get an original signature without mailing to the retiring employee. If emailed, the employee could get it immediately. So also thanks to you, kstein, for that. And, Bob, yeah, no more than 8 months out, so don't do 18 months COBRA. No worries, they are doing Medicare coverage 5/1/2020. Trying to get the form so to add Part B asap, so I can do MedSupp + PDP. Lots of meds, will be a bumpy ride potentially.
Copies of the l564 form should be fine. I've had many hr departments fax to my office with clienty there. Never had one get kicked out bc it wasn't original.

Given that Social Security offices are closed, how are you going to get the forms to them?
Looking more closely at the form, and asking for experience from those who have seen a lot of these forms, which I haven't yet, will the fact he is still employed and covered make the Social Security office process the app slower than someone who is losing coverage like next week?
There is no way on the form to say his employment and coverage *will end* 4/30/2020. I guess they could put it in the notes/comments section on the application form for Part B that the employer info form accompanies to SS.
The fact that my wife APPEARED to still be employed, based on form information, created no problems for me when I turned in my form showing my health coverage under her plan.

Note that the part B sep is available during employment, as well as after employment ends.

You can use the Part B SEP while you have job-based insurance, or for eight months after you no longer have job-based insurance (either from your job, your spouse’s job, or sometimes a family member’s job).
Copies of the l564 form should be fine. I've had many hr departments fax to my office with clienty there. Never had one get kicked out bc it wasn't original.

Given that Social Security offices are closed, how are you going to get the forms to them?

The document I linked above addresses the issue about mailing which you are continuing to ask about. You will need to use Somarco's link from the other thread to get the mailing addresses.
LD, thanks. That's not a problem, we have the address. Thinking through the process,between the two forms, the information about what they want and when and that requirements are met for no penalty due to lack of creditable health coverage since the employee was on the company coverage for decades. We will also have the forms for creditable drug coverage that won't be needed right away, but soon.
LD, thanks. That's not a problem, we have the address. Thinking through the process,between the two forms, the information about what they want and when and that requirements are met for no penalty due to lack of creditable health coverage since the employee was on the company coverage for decades. We will also have the forms for creditable drug coverage that won't be needed right away, but soon.
Your're welcome. That was a rather confusing and terrifying time for me. I'm pleased if my comments have helped you to make it easier for someone else.