Auto Insurance "Landing Page"


1000 Post Club
This headline and variations of it have been performing great in print ads and direct mail but I'm wondering what it will do with the online shoppers ???

Any thoughts ?

Right now I'm pages 2, 3, 6,7 on google for the keyword phrases that are generating the bulk of the traffic so I'm gearing up for what's going to happen when I hit page 1 and stay there. Guess I want to tweak now, rather than later:)

PS. Thanks to the work and advice of DMiller, I don't have to "hope" for traffic to my site anymore;)
Here is an example of a Geico landing page. This is a company that spends millions on advertising so I am sure they have done some testing.

Welcome to GEICO!

It is very simple and I am sure it converts well, but you must remember they already have a brand image so it is an easier sell.
I like the concept but to me it's a bit lengthy for someone going there online to read it all and eventually get to the bottom where they can request a quote. If you look at the Geico comparison, it's one page, you don't have to scroll down and it immediately asks you to save money by starting with your zip code. Also I noticed on your quote page it doesn't appear to be a secure form and you ask for their SS#. Don't you need an SSL certificate?
Actually, I just now noticed after you mention it, but the zipcode question is probably a VERY important part. A teeny tiny bit of commitment, but still safe.
+1 to the geico page, i think simple pages like that convert best.
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<-- just remembered a picture is worth a thousand words. I think this is a good example of an auto insurance page. Clear call to action, professional looking, etc.
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Ya, the Geico page is something I have always referred back to when I am designing a landing page. They have actually been using that page for several years so it must work. I know they are spending millions on PPC so if it didn't covert they would know it.

1. Drop the headline that reads "Insurance Agent Shares....Windfall..." seemed like you were recruiting to other agents (might just be me)

2. Make the headline:
The Williams Agency saved Pennsylvanian Drivers $179,458 in 2009 with our exclusive Auto Insurance Program!!

3. Lower my premium please = Lower my auto insurance
3.1 Image should be link to quote
3.2 Can you reduce the click through rate to your quote form? Instead of the Lower button going the chose a quote page then your form, going directly to the form.
3.3 Seems to be a overwhelming quote form. Anyway to parse it down? Enough info to capture not to much to drive away.

4. Back it down to 3 testimonials
5. Don't center the content. It makes it hard to read and the hard return looks a bit funny.

6. Maybe find a less "Make it Rain" type of image. Don't think people think the savings is going to be mega bucks, but more of a "Peace of Mind" in knowing they are saving.

Hope some of these opinions help or get you to thinking.