Auto Xdates


1000 Post Club
Ran into a list vendor who offered me an auto xdate list sorted by carrier and xdate. This is the first time I've seen this info. available. Any of you bought this type of lead list before ?
My car's inspection was up at the end of May. I got a form-type letter from an Allstate agent listing my name, my year make and model car and a quote for state minimum coverage (I guess it's minimum it dosen't say but the price is rock bottom).
Tell me, how they get this info....DMV....?
Any Allstate agents know anything about this?
Thanks in advance
You can buy lists from list vendors of cars and addresses. You simply run the quotes, with a lot of assumptions.

I'd guess thats risky business quoting without the prospects permission? I just got 1400 names/xdates along with current carrier for $400 and it's scrubbed of my current clients and prospects so I'll have no duplicates. I'd guess the $400 plus expenses will be recouped in the first mailing.