B.S Alert - Only a Couple Weeks Away


5000 Post Club
For those who have doubted the prediction that by years end we will not have a final bill but instead the dems will say "we have agreed upon a set of guiding principles, benchmarks, and common areas" read this and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that those statements will be flowing like water out of Pelosi's and Reid's mouths in about two weeks. This little article just shows the foreplay leading up to it. You can set your clock by it now.

Change you can believe in.

Reid indicates timetable for health care may slip - Yahoo! News
You want reform? Here it is:

1) Devise a process where states pay for the races of their Congressional candidates - no personal money allowed, no contributions. We lose a lot of potential quality because not everyone has the funds available to run.

2) Congressmen are not allowed to meet with any lobbyists unless it's a taped session and those tapes are released on the web.

3) Lobbyists are not allowed to contribute to any campaigns, wine and dine, offer golf outings, anything. Nothing. Congressmen will make themselves available to lobbyists during working hours and again, recorded sessions.

4) Congressmen are civil servants and will receive no special favors. Just compensate them well. Living like a citizen keeps you in touch with the people. For starters, I wonder how health care form would be going if everyone in Congress had to sign up for an individual plan.

5) Term limits. Lets get rid of the wallpaper.
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Methinks it will be a bit deeper than that. I'm surprised that Dr. Dean as head of the DNC hasn't peep'd in a while, and Daschle, as scary as he may look, has also been in hiding.

So far the front men have been Reid and Pelosi (no offense to Harry). With what Dede just pulled (accepting all that dough from party hacks then ceding her support to the liberal opponent), it wouldn't surprise me if Reid and Pelosi starting jerking some giant party chain and targeted Blue Dogs and liberal Republicans for a Defcon 1 attack status.

It shall be interesting to watch. Kind of like when Martin Sheen's character motored up the river lined with shrunken heads on his way to meet The Man...Do you remember that movie??? The best.
There are sticking points in HR 3962 if it is going to pass. The language on funding abortion will keep 20 - 30 Dems from voting for the bill. Ambiguity on health coverage for illegals is another area that needs to be cleaned up as well.
You know I just dont have much sympathy for all these people crying about how this new health care reform is going to be socialistic or communist. From where I'm sitting I have been participating in a socialistic health insurance system for years. I mean how is it fair that someone like me with a cholesterol level of less then 150 has to be in the same insurance pool as the people who are eating eggs and hot dogs and potato chips walking around with cholesterol levels over 200? Why should people like me who watch what I eat and weigh have to be in the same insurance pool as people who are over weight and eating unhealthy foods. Why should people like me who are on no medications have to be in the same insurance pools as people who are on high blood pressure pills and statins and everything else? Why should people like me who never go to the Dr for nonsense like colds and the flu have to be in the same insurance pool as people who go the the Dr every time they get a runny nose or tummy ache? Why should people like me who dont go to the emergency room unless we got a broken bone have to be in the same insurance pool as folks who go to the emergency room everytime they sprain their wrist or ankle? You want to talk about socialistic health care I have been in it my whole life. Welcome to my world.
Methinks it will be a bit deeper than that. I'm surprised that Dr. Dean as head of the DNC hasn't peep'd in a while, and Daschle, as scary as he may look, has also been in hiding.

So far the front men have been Reid and Pelosi (no offense to Harry). With what Dede just pulled (accepting all that dough from party hacks then ceding her support to the liberal opponent), it wouldn't surprise me if Reid and Pelosi starting jerking some giant party chain and targeted Blue Dogs and liberal Republicans for a Defcon 1 attack status.

It shall be interesting to watch. Kind of like when Martin Sheen's character motored up the river lined with shrunken heads on his way to meet The Man...Do you remember that movie??? The best.

Oh yeah.
Make a friend of horror my friends.

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